2015, Number 5
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AMC 2015; 19 (5)
Amniotic fluid embolism: etiopathogenic realities and myths of a potentially fatal syndrome
Rodríguez GRM, Pérez SR, Roura CJO, Rodríguez PI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 528-538
PDF size: 349.66 Kb.
Background: amniotic fluid embolism is a catastrophic syndrome that takes place during the onset
of labor or during the labor. This syndrome of variable incidence is the second cause of maternal death in
many regions of the world. Rates up to 60 % are reported in developed countries. A more rigid investigation
has greatly increased the comprehension of this condition in the last two decades.
Objective: to set out the most recent elements that try to explain the etiology and physiopathology
of amniotic fluid embolism.
Method: a review o f 32 bibliographies, including journals and classic texts, w as made through the
Cuban virtual library, Lilacs, PubMed and Medline.
Development: amniotic fluid embolism is, from the physiopathological point of view , similar to the
systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and it is common in conditions like septic shock, in which the
abnormal response of the host is the main responsible for the clinical manifestations. Bimodal theory is the
rule: an early stage characterized by vasospasm and pulmonary hypertension and heart failure; and a late
stage where left heart failure, pulmonary edema, shock and coagulation disorders predominate.
Conclusions: the physiopathological basis o f this sequence o f hemodynamic changes seems to
entail a complex sequence of reactions that result from the abnormal activation of proinflammatory mediator
systems, similar to those present in the systemic inflammatory response syndrome that follows the almost
universal flow of fetal antigens to the maternal circulation during labor.
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