2015, Number 5
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AMC 2015; 19 (5)
Updating on the diagnosis and management of sepsis in patients under one year of age
Cristobo BT, Quirós VO, Rodríguez BD
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 512-527
PDF size: 437.98 Kb.
Background: sepsis is a pathology that is increasing. A high level of knowledge, suspicion and ability of
the professional is required.
Objective: to describe aspects related to the updating on the diagnosis and management of sepsis
in patients under one year of age.
Method: a bibliographic review w as made consulting the biomedical data bases of M edline, Scielo,
Pubmed, Lilacs and Secimed, as well as theses repositories. Clinical essays, review articles and studies of epidemiological approaches were reviewed.
Development: the diagnosis of sepsis is based on clinical criteria know n as diagnostic criteria that
stage the disease according to systemic inflammatory response syndrome, severe sepsis, septic shock and
multiple organ dysfunction syndrome. Management based on aims and protocols is vital. A review of the
international guides on management and updated treatment of sepsis was made to reach a consensus.
Conclusions: the prognosis of sepsis in pediatrics must continue to improve. Therefore, it is
necessary to make the effort of increasing the quality of the attention of these patients and standing out a
fundamental mainstay that is the ability of early diagnosing and treating sepsis.
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