2015, Number 4
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2015; 5 (4)
Depresión en el adulto mayor costarricense y su relación con la autopercepción del estado de salud y desempeño funcional
Bolaños SM, Helo GF
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 78-87
PDF size: 664.97 Kb.
Depression is the most common psychiatric
disorder in the elderly. The WHO estimates at
least 25% of the persons over 65 years old suffers
of one psychiatric disease, of which the
highest prevalence is for depression. The objective
of the present study is to estimate the prevalence
of depression in the Costa Rican geriatric
population, to determine risk factors, and the
relation between depression with certain comorbidities
and physical disability. The information
was obtained from CRELES study (Costa Rica
Estudio de Longevidad y Envejecimiento Saludable)
conducted by the Centroamerican Population
Center in 2002 where a comprehensive
survey was applied in a national representative
sample of 8.000 subjects. Subsequently, geriatric
test and performance test were done in a side
sample of 3.000 subjects. The present study is
transversal and descriptive. A prevalence of
18.1% was determined for the general population
with a statistical difference on female gender
similar to other international reports. Risk factors
identified were lower socioeconomic status and
lower literacy level. Spirituality was documented
a protective factor for depression. There was no
relation between age and comorbidity with depression.
There is evidence that depression increases
the risk for physical disability. Also
depression was associated with poorer selfreporting
health status, measured by 4 items on
which depressed elderly report a negative condition
in each one. The relevance of these results
between depression and functional disability
would allow searching for preventive strategies,
accurate diagnosis and more effective treatments
in order to achieve a better prognosis in the future.
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