2015, Number 3
Importance of orthodontic treatment for the effectiveness of dental implants
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 112-116
PDF size: 214.10 Kb.
Osseointegrated implants make it possible to recover all the functions of the lost tooth in a comfortable and permanent manner. The purpose of this presentation is to show the benefits of applying orthodontic treatment before the placement of dental implants in edentulous patients. A 21-year-old male patient attended implantology consultation at Dr. Ismael Clark y Mascaró Provincial Teaching Dental Clinic in Camagüey, due to the absence of the right upper central and lateral incisors (11 and 12). Upon assessment, the multidisciplinary team decided to close the toothless gap with a fixed orthodontic appliance and then perform advanced surgery and the placement of a Leader Nano implant. Prosthetic rehabilitation was performed eight months later. It was shown that performing orthodontic treatment before the placement of dental implants has a positive effect on the recovery of the esthetic and psychological status of patients.REFERENCES
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