2015, Number 3
Alternative treatment for dentinogenesis imperfecta
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 105-111
PDF size: 294.91 Kb.
Dentinogenesis imperfecta is an inherited dominant autosomal condition originating during the histodifferentiation stage of odontogenesis. It is a form of localized mesodermal dysplasia characterized by an alteration in dentin proteins. The purpose of the study was to present an alternative treatment for dentinogenesis imperfecta in children, using stainless steel crowns and adhesive composite resins. A case is presented of an eight-year-old girl attending consultation for pain when eating cold or sweet food, changes in the color and shape of teeth, and psychological disorders related to her personal appearance. No history of the disease was found in the family. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed alterations in the shape and color of teeth as well as the loss of dental tissue, particularly in the first permanent molars, with a reduction in the vertical dimension. Radiographic examination confirmed the presence of permanent successor follicles as well as normal bone structures. Dentinogenesis imperfecta was diagnosed. Stainless steel crowns were placed over the first permanent molars and the second temporary molars with the purpose of restoring the vertical dimension and eliminating the discomfort when eating. Anterior teeth were then restored with adhesive composite resins. Early diagnosis and treatment of this condition is crucial to prevent large tissue destruction. As is shown in the study, treatment in children should consist in placing stainless steel crowns and restoring the teeth with adhesive composite resins until adult age, when other definitive restorations may be performed.REFERENCES
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