2015, Number 4
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Aten Fam 2015; 22 (4)
Cardiovascular Risk Factors Knowledge and Control Level of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in a Group of Spanish with Diabetes
Navarro-Oliver AF, Lidón-Cerezuela MB, Martínez-Navarro A, Martínez-Navarro MÄ, Ruiz-Merino G, Leal-Hernández M
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 97-101
PDF size: 269.66 Kb.
Objective: to analyze the level of theoretical
knowledge about the objectives of
control factors of cardiovascular risk in
diabetic type 2 patients. Confirm if there
is a relationship between the level of
knowledge and a better metabolic control.
Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional and
observational study through survey of 20
items. 45 diabetics type 2 were included,
a physical and analytical exploration was
performed (capillary blood glucose, ldl
cholesterol, blood glucose and glycosylated
Results: glycosylated hemoglobin
was controlled (≤7%) in 51.1%;
42.2% presented ≤120 mg/dl basal glucose;
37.8% showed a ldl-cholesterol ≤100 mg/
dl; 37.8% had a systolic Pressure ≤140
mm Hg and 75.6% a Diastolic pressure of
≤80 mm Hg. Regarding the relationship
between knowledge and control of the
analyzed parameters: in regards to the basal
glucose, 39% of the controlled patients
know the target number of blood glucose;
61% of the not-controlled patients know
this number (p
‹ 0.05). The same happens
with the glycosylated hemoglobin (42.9%
of the controlled patients know the figure
versus the 57.1% of the not-controlled
patients, p
‹ 0.05) and the ldl cholesterol
(37.8% of the controlled patients know the
figure versus 62.2% of the not-controlled
patients, p
‹ 0.05).
Conclusions: the level
of knowledge of the objectives to control
diabetes and the related cardiovascular risk
factors is very poor. There is an inverse
relationship between the knowledge of risk
factors and a better control of these risks.
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