2015, Number 5
Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin infiltrating bone. Case report
Language: Spanish
References: 11
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Introduction: the squamous or epidermoid cell carcinoma is the second most common ¨non- melanoma¨ tumor in the skin areas exposed to sunlight, and it is more common in older people. Its incidence is higher in men, but it can be seen in both sexes.Case presentation: a 57-year-old female patient, native, with a clinical antecedent of a "removed" lesion in her right leg about 30 years ago in a private hospital, without specifying its anatomopathological result. She went to the Emergency Service at the National Regional Hospital in Escuintla, Guatemala, because four months ago she began with a small ulcerated injure in the same leg, and as she reported, in the "same place", which was initially treated with "home remedies", without specifying which ones, but the injure did not get better, otherwise it began to grow in an exophytic way and became secondarily infected. It was decided then to hospitalize the patient in the Surgery Service of Women for the study and later treatment. It was performed a skin biopsy to obtain an accurate diagnosis, the anatomopathological diagnosis confirmed the existence of a squamous cell carcinoma, well differentiated and infiltrating of the skin. It was decided then to consult and send the case to Roosevelt Hospital in Guatemala to be consulted with a surgeon specialist in oncology.
Discussion: the epidermoid carcinoma, also known as spinocellular carcinoma is the second most common "non-melanoma" skin cancer, preceded by basal cell carcinoma; it is derived from alterations in the epidermis, specifically of keratinocytes.
Conclusion: the squamous (epidermoid) cell carcinoma arises from alterations in epidermal keratinocytes and it can infiltrate bone structures.
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