2015, Number 5
Connection between periodontal and genetic diseases. Bibliographic revision
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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It was performed a bibliographic search of the relevant published articles about the connection between periodontal and genetic diseases, in English and Spanish languages, during the period January – September, 2014, with the objective to demonstrate the genetic role in the showing up and development of periodontal diseases, taking into account that the bacterial plaque is a primary etiological factor in the pathogenesis of periodontitis, however its only presence cannot explain the great variation of the disease in the population. The study of the hereditary pattern and some genetic disorders in relation with the periodontal disease can help us to understand the role of the genetic risk factors of the disease. The genetic predisposition is more possible in early periodontitis than in the chronic periodontitis of the adult. Besides, it has been identified a specific phenotype of the polymorphic gene of the interleukin-1, which constitutes a genetic marker to identify people who may suffer from a serious periodontitis. The study of the genetic factors opens a possibility of greater success in the control and prevention of periodontal diseases.REFERENCES
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