2015, Number 5
Comparison of the results of the phytochemical screening of the tinctures obtained from the leaves and bark of Spondias mombin (hog plum) through different methods
Piña GR, Ortíz SY, Perdomo RR, Marcel LA, Hernández GML
Language: Spanish
References: 7
PDF size: 148.54 Kb.
The bark and leaves of Spondias mombin (hog plum) are used by the population for the treatment of diseases caused by fungi and bacteria on the feet, and they are also used to heal ulcers, burns and wounds. This study was performed to compare the results of the phytochemical screening carried out to the tinctures by means of different methods of extraction; the leaves and bark of Spondias mombin were collected. The vegetable matter was washed, disinfected, dried and then pulverized; this powder was used in the development of various extracts and tinctures. The study of the extracts allowed us to identify 12 families of secondary metabolites, including phenol tannins and alkaloids. There were identified several secondary metabolites in the leaves and bark of the hog plum that could be related to the medical uses of the plant.REFERENCES
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