2015, Number 4
Methodological actions to implement the English language curricular strategy in English for specific purposes in Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 125-145
PDF size: 169.84 Kb.
Background: the purpose of the curricular strategy of the English Language command, proposed by the subcommittee of curricular strategies of Havana University of Medical Sciences since 2009 is the idiomatic competence of health professionals.Objective: to design methodological actions for the implementation of the curricular strategy of the English Language command in the Medicine career of Santo Domingo's Municipality Health University Site.
Methods: it was carried out a development investigation with a combined approach from January 2011 to December 2013; theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction and empiric ones: documental analysis of the 210/2007 Regulation from the Ministry of Higher Education , methodological plans and meeting records at different organizational levels, model of the professional and lesson plans; and the survey in interview form was applied to administrative leaders and a questionnaire was applied to the professors to identify the main inadequacies in the idiomatic and methodological preparation.
Results: it was verified that the main inadequacies are related with the management and execution of the interdisciplinary methodological work and with the poor development of abilities for the medical information management in the English language, that’s why methodological actions were designed to achieve a bigger objectivity in the interdisciplinary implementation of this strategy that contributes with the current model of health professionals.
Conclusions: the actions were valued as pertinent by the specialists' criteria, because they contributed to transform the work with the methodological activity progressively to develop an interdisciplinary and professional idiomatic competence as guarantee of a competent performance in English-speaking contexts.
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