2015, Number 2
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2015; 5 (2)
Servicios brindados a los usuarios mayores de 18 años con enfermedad oncológica terminal en el Centro Nacional del Control del Dolor y Cuidados Paliativos de Costa Rica, desde su ingreso hasta su fallecimiento, 2010-2012
Medina MA, Sanabria JK, Ávalos CD
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 71-79
PDF size: 511.90 Kb.
Justification for and Objectives: The demand
for Palliative Care in our country has grown very
significantly. But no national studies descriptive
studies of the population of the National Center
for Pain Control and Palliative Care
Methods: Observational,
retrospective, descriptive study of medical
records. A sample was taken. A sheet of data
collection was used.
Results: The sample
consisted of 484 records where the average age
was 69 years, women predominated (53%) and
married (50%). 97% of the population was in
San Jose. Gastric neoplasia was predominant in
the general population; The most referred
specialist was Palliative Medicine (22%) and the
center with most talked was the Hospital
Calderón Guardia (46.9%). Only 5% of all
patients received psychiatric care, 44% of
psychology; 15.08% of respiratory therapy;
3.71% of physical therapy; 17.76% of nutrition.
A score of 80.78% received home visits. 43% of
the study population was between 2-30 days in
Conclusion: CNCDYCP meets
most of the services mentioned institutions and
admissions guides should tell a Specialist
Palliative Care Unit; however does not have a
day hospital or social work.
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