2015, Number 3
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Rev Esp Med Quir 2015; 20 (3)
Clinical and epidemiological profiles of patients with diabetic foot
Torres-Valenzuela A, Rodríguez-Gil A, Valles-Araiza DA, Vásquez-García R, Lerma-Burciaga CG
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 294-301
PDF size: 442.74 Kb.
The diabetic foot is a complication of diabetes, which induces a neuropathy
and/or peripheral vascular injury that causes tissue damage,
which may need amputations.
Objective: Learn about clinical and epidemiological profiles of patients
with diabetic foot to improve protocols and provide quality care.
Materials and methods: It was a descriptive study based on the clinical
records of patients seen over a year in the General Hospital Dr. Santiago
Ramon y Cajal, ISSSTE in Durango City, Mexico.
Results: 50 patients, corresponding to 26.6% of patients with diabetes,
their average age was 64.5 years, 60% male, 66% retirees and pensioners
were studied; 94% had type 2 diabetes with a mean of 16.3 years of
evolution. The most frequently comorbidities was hypertension (82%)
and nephropathy 26%. 34% had a previous amputation. At their entry
to hospital, 96% had skin lesion, ulcer 56% and 62% had infection. The
toes showed most of the injuries, followed by the foot. During their last
stay 36 (72%) patients underwent amputation: 25 of them in toes, 3 in
foot, 7 at supracondylar region and 1 at infracondylar region.
Conclusions: The clinical and epidemiological profile, described highlights
the need to strengthen the programs of prevention and health
promotion, early detection, adherence to treatment and re- enforce
self-care in diabetic patients and in populations with risk factors.
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