2015, Number 2
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Revista Cubana de Cirugía 2015; 54 (2)
Surgical emergencies observed in adolescents, general surgery service of 'Saturnino Lora'Hospital in 2012
Domínguez GEJ, Oliu LH, de la Cruz CN
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 140-147
PDF size: 75.12 Kb.
Introduction: surgical emergencies in the adolescent are not frequent and are
often neglected as a subject of study.
Objective: to characterize the behavior of surgical conditions in adolescent
patients who were admitted to the hospital under emergency criteria.
Methods: observational case series study conducted in the population of
adolescent patients admitted to the general surgery service of "Saturnino Lora"
provincial hospital under the emergency criteria in 2012. Ninety nine adolescents
met this criterion and were included in the study.
Results: males predominated with 52 patients whereas the length of stay at
hospital did not exceed three days in 52.3 % of cases. Acute appendicitis was the
most frequent diagnosis, followed by traumatisms and the bleeding of gynecological
cause. The blunt and the thoracic abdominal-type traumas prevailed. The liver and
pulmonary traumas showed the highest incidence rate. There were few
postoperative complications and just one patient was reoperated. The mortality rate
found in the study was 2.1 %, being the hypovolemic shock the direct cause.
Conclusions: although surgical emergencies in this age group are not common,
their management is of vital importance and they often put the clinical criteria of
the physician to the test. The results of the present study showed the adequate
management of these diseases.
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