2015, Number 09
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MediSan 2015; 19 (09)
The doctor-patient interview in English language in odontological specialities
Venzant FC, Acosta OLF, Navarro RMC, Isaac VR
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1167-1175
PDF size: 485.63 Kb.
A development investigation was carried out in the Stomatology faculty from the Medical University from Santiago de Cuba, during the courses 2012-2013 and 2013-2014, with the aim of identifying the limitations of students and professionals during the doctor-patient interview in English language in the odontological specialities. Theoretical and empiric methods were used. The obtained results supported the implementation of a didactic guide with questions, indications and orientations, allowing the acquisition of the specific language of the profession, with which it is possible to contribute to the training for the communicative competence when considering the fundamental aspects of this interview and to a better use of the English as a foreign language.
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