2015, Number 1
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RCAN 2015; 25 (1)
Nanotechnology in the production and preservation of foods
Cartelle GM, Zurita J
Language: Spanish
References: 80
Page: 184-207
PDF size: 637.20 Kb.
A better knowledge of the relationships atoms sustain between themselves inside the molecules has opened the possibility for their direct manipulation, and thus, the creation of new materials. Nanosciences and nanotechnologies are then perceived as essential tools to address new challenges regarding protection and cleaning of the environment, treatment of diseases, and attainment of more nutritious, safe and innocuous foods. Nanotechnologies have been also introduced in food industry for developing new and superior packaging and preservation methods. Nanotechnologies applications envisioned cover from packages that will advise the consumer about the product’s nutrient composition as well as alert him/her about their immediate deterioration to foods incorporating components with pharmaceutical properties. Latin America is witnessing a rapid advance of nanotechnologies and nanosciences thanks to the will of the governments and institutions of this area, the creation of the required technological park, and formation of specialists and researchers. Having said all this, there are still new challenges ahead for these disciplines, among them, a higher appreciation by consumers about benefits “nano-foods” provide, and a better ordered regulatory environment where researchers and institutions could insert and operate.
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