2015, Number 2
Tuberculosis infection in a risk population through tuberculin test
Language: Spanish
References: 34
Page: 56-65
PDF size: 180.40 Kb.
Introduction: with the increase in the incidence and prevalence of tuberculosis in Ciego de Avila province and being a health problem; it is necessary to strengthen the active, organized and systematic search for the risk group. Objective: to determine TB infection and its association with various risk factors, by testing the tuberculin. Method: a cross-sectional, observational study in a year period was carried out in “Antonio Maceo” Teaching Policlynic Center Area of Ciego de Ávila. Multistage sampling of all locations by simple random sampling was carried out. The sample was constituted by five offices, with 600 adult patients who met the inclusion criteria. The prevalence ratio with confidence intervals for a reliability index of 95% was calculated. Tuberculin test was applied with reading at 48 hours, and to the negative patients was repeated at 8 weeks. Results: the most significant finding was the prevalence of risk factor, contact smear-positive tuberculosis with 179 patients, 23 positive cases, with a prevalence ratio of 0.7, statistically significant in the probability of contracting the disease, and a prevalence of 2.2. Tuberculin test had a conversion two months later in patients who were initially negative. Conclusions: from the risk groups, the cases that presented tuberculosis infection were: direct contacts, ex-prisoners and overcrowding and these one were more likely to get sick in a period of 2 years.REFERENCES
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