2015, Number 4
Evaluation of knowledge about subprosthesis stomatitis in patients and professionals of the Specialty Teaching Clinic
Language: Spanish
References: 9
Page: 244-247
PDF size: 107.65 Kb.
A descriptive observational study of transversal type was carried in order to identify knowledge level of patients and professionals related to subprosthesis stomatitis in a sample constituted by 53 patients and 23 stomatologists who answered a series of surveys about this disease at «Victoria de Santa Clara» Specialty Teaching Clinic from September, 2013 to February, 2014. Knowledge level of these patients in relation to this affection was classified as bad, and the higher difficulties were found in the category of self- responsibility; on the other hand, professionals showed a good level, and slight deficiencies were manifested only in relation to classification of the affection. An action plan based on the main deficiencies found was addressed to patients, with an educative approach, in order to improve promotion and disease prevention.REFERENCES
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