2015, Number 5
Integral rehabilitation of the patient with serious mental disorder. Psychiatric Hospital of Matanzas
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 479-487
PDF size: 64.16 Kb.
Background: the psychiatric rehabilitation is the therapeutic procedure directed to create socio-labor skills when these are absent or are poor. It is essential promoting the integral rehabilitation allowing patients a better contribution and their reinsertion into society.Aim: to determine the utility of the occupational therapy in these patients, and also comparing the rehabilitation level and determining the number of patients incorporated to occupational therapy activities at the beginning and at the end of the treatment.
Materials and methods: we carried out a descriptive study in patients from the long staying service of the Psychiatric Hospital “Antonio Guiteras Holmes”, in the period from April 2008 to April 2014. The universe was composed by all the patients who were admitted in the long staying service.
Outcomes: we stated, at the beginning, that most of the patients were at the rehabilitation level I; at the end of the study, 23, 6 % reached the level II, 41, 6 % reached the level III, 18 % reached the level IV, while 9,8 % reached the level V. We specify the rehabilitative activities at the beginning and at the end of the study, appreciating more participation at the end, and the predominance of participative techniques. At the end of the treatment, the patients who better evolved to the levels III, IV and V were the ones who had diagnoses of schizophrenia, mild and moderated mental deficit.
Conclusions: the repercussion of the integral rehabilitation and the social support of the psychiatric patient with serious mental disorders provide positive results as for his social clinic evaluation.
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