2015, Number 5
Educative intervention on sexually transmitted infections in teenagers
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 418-429
PDF size: 333.96 Kb.
An educative intervention was carried out with the aim of increasing knowledge on the sexually transmitted infections in senior high school teenagers of the West Popular Council of Colon municipality, with the participation of third course students of the Medicine career of the Medical Sciences Branch “Dr. Eusebio Hernandez Perez”, in the period from March 2014 to March 2015. Several tools, as inquiry and group interviews, were applied, allowing to prove the existence of limitations and difficulties meaning vulnerabilities for these infections prevention as the scarcely use of condoms and certain sexual practices performed by them, that are an irresponsible behavior, indicators showing the low risk perception this population has. The performed educative intervention showed its pertinence because it evidenced the deepening of teenagers´ knowledge on sexually transmitted infections.REFERENCES
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