2015, Number 3
Academic efficiency: an indicator from which it´s required to know more
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 188-194
PDF size: 94.83 Kb.
The Academic Efficiency (EA) is an assessment indicator whose quantitative dimension reflects qualitative aspects that cover from the quality of the preceding educational systems, the enrolment to higher education policies, up to a wide range of factors that intervene in the teaching-learning process and in the institutional policies to guarantee the students permanence. It is an urgent necessity that the professionals participate with a bigger number of quantitative research works to update and to analyze the main variables that reflect the state of the academic efficiency of the health sciences careers. The authors communicate about the necessity to conceptualize and to apply appropriately the concepts Academic Efficiency (AE), Longitudinal Efficiency (LE) Cross-sectional Efficiency and Average Cross-sectional Efficiency (AC-sE) and they expose some of the limitations frequently made while using them.REFERENCES
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