2015, Number 3
Evaluation of clinical abilities in the third year Medicine students
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 165-176
PDF size: 120.55 Kb.
Background: habits and abilities are complex levels of the person's domain on the activity that he/she carries out. Particularly, in the medical sciences the clinical abilities constitute a leading principle, in the learning process of this branch of knowledge.Objective: to value the development of the third year students clinical abilities in the Medicine career in the Medical Propedeutics subject.
Methods: it was carried out an observational, cross-sectional descriptive research work, in "Arnaldo Milián Castro" University Hospital, from January to May 2014. The study population comprised 42 students of the group that received the Medical Propedeutics subject, the sample matches the population. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis and inductivedeductive; and empiric ones: documental analysis and the scientific observation, for that purpose a guide was elaborated that was validated by professors of the Internal Medicine professorship of this university hospital.
Results: it was verified that most of the students obtained a 4 mark in the five evaluated abilities, in decreasing order: the doctor-patient interview, transcription of the history of the present illness, oral presentation, clinical reasoning and physical exam.
Conclusions: the students demonstrated to have acquired the clinical abilities in the Medical Propedeutics subject although with some difficulties in the realization of the nervous system physical exam and in the clinical reasoning.
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