2015, Number 3
Virtual course on research Methodology and Biostatistics for Odontology professionals
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 109-120
PDF size: 123.42 Kb.
Background: the Information and Communication Technologies have facilitated the use of platforms and the development of the e-learning in the university teaching.Objective: to make a postgraduate virtual course on Research Methodology and Biostatistics for Odontology professionals.
Methods: it was carried out a descriptive research work in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, in the academic year 2012-2013. Theoretical methods were used: analysissynthesis and inductive-deductive, for the theoretical background on the topic and the review of the most updated bibliography, and modeling to conform the course; empiric ones: review of research works or scientific articles to know the deficiencies in the application of the Scientific Research Methodology and Biostatistics, and the survey: to diagnose learning necessities of the professionals in their researching function.
Results: difficulties were diagnosed in the writing of summaries, problem solving situation, objectives and scientific problem, formulation of the hypothesis, classification of the research work, elaboration of the theoretical background, the population determination and sampling type, workout with variables, definition of methods and treatment of the information, statistical processing quality and the use of its techniques, that´s why a postgraduate course was designed by means of the virtual modality.
Conclusions: the product was valued by specialists who considered it satisfactory in regard to: logical sequence of the contents, quality of writing, vocabulary used, scientific novelty, necessity of the course, pertinence, and the preparation that it facilitates for the researching activity.
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