2015, Number 3
The multiple definitions of the term 'competence' and the applicability of its approach in the medical sciences
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 20-31
PDF size: 127.19 Kb.
Background: in the professional and teaching scenario there is not consensus neither in the use of the term "competence” nor in its homogeneous interpretation.Objective: to expose different conceptualizations about the word "competence", the causes of the multiple definitions and the feasibility of application of this approach in the field of the medical sciences.
Methods: the work was carried out during the course Professional Competences, in Sagua la Grande municipality Medical Sciences University site, on February 2011, where 22 professors participated. Theoretical methods were applied: analytic-synthetic, inductive-deductive and historical-logical, and empiric ones: questionnaire of three questions related with the concept of the referred term. The individual answers were picked up and expressed in plenary. The technique of the nominal group was used to identify the component parts of the term.
Results: the professors identify the concept "competence" with knowledge, abilities, habits, responsibility skills, attitudes and values. The most stable components that are part of its structure were: system of knowledge, abilities, skills, aptitudes and attitudes. The reasons why there are so many definitions in relation to the term "competence", there were not consensus of opinions, but multiple points of view on the part of the consulted authors, reason why it turns out to be a polemic term. All the professors considered feasible to apply this approach in the undergraduate and postgraduate education.
Conclusions: the term "competence” is very controversial for the multiplicity of its usage in varied fields of knowledge, the most stressed components were knowledge, abilities and skills, aptitudes and attitudes.
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