2005, Number 1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2005; 26 (1)
Psychological counselling based on information: management of anxiety in pediatric oncology
Gálvez LAB, Méndez VJ, Martínez LC
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 35-43
PDF size: 63.20 Kb.
Background: One of the most frequent negative emotional responses during hospitalization and treatment of children with cancer is anxiety. Psychological preparedness consists of any action whose main objective is to improve the patient’s emotional condition resulting from his/her hospitalization. Psychological preparedness based on information consists on providing and elucidating knowledge related to medical, social and psychological aspects of the disease and hospitalization. The present study examines the influence of psychological preparedness based on information with the purpose of reducing anxiety of patients with cancer.
Materials and Method: Thirty patients with cancer 8 to 17 years of age from the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (National Institute of Pediatrics) were the subject of this investigation. An experimental design of a control pretest–postest group was used; the experimental group received psychological preparedness based on information. The degree of anxiety of the patients confronting different hospital stressful situation was measured with the “Hospital Fears Rating Scale”, of Melamed and Siegel.
Results: A decrease of anxiety was reported in the group who recieved preparedness. A p › 0.05 (sig. 0.023) was obtained.
Conclusions: These results indicate that preparing the cancerous children psychologically using information, reduces anxiety during the initial phase of the illness.
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