2015, Number S1
Ritual of the donation act of vital organs: the communication subject, the mediations (media)
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 194.52 Kb.
Introduction: the theory of cultural mediation provides an interesting analytical perspective to allow the approach of this donation act as an action mediated by cultural factors, examining the impression of the mass media like an important mediation.Objective: to interpret the meanings given by the subjects involved in the act of organs donation from the role of cultural mediation.
Method: the methodology used for data collection is primarily qualitative. It was used a theoretical sample of subject types. In agreement with such methods, the observation, interviews, and the experts criteria, were all applied.
Results: among the most important results it was confirmed in the interviewees the existence of a matrix of opinion favoring the donation, coinciding with the macro socially established criteria, through the Program of Donation and Transplantation of organs, tissues and cells; and with the formal statements and public images projected by the mass media.
Conclusions: in general, the presence of performing operations (impulsive), rather than decoding, permitted to perceive the role of mediation in the building of codes, confirming that the media codes contribute to structure and control the behavior of the subjects involved.
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