2015, Number 1
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2015; 5 (1)
Caso 1-2015: Masculino de 63 años con Hernia de Amyand
Mora QI, Barrantes LC
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 1-4
PDF size: 761.35 Kb.
We presented the case of a 63 years old male
patient with personal history of hypertension and
type 2 diabetes mellitus. He was referred to the
hospital with a diagnosis of right inguinal hernia.
He was brought to the operating room where a
direct inguinal hernia on the right side containing
the cecal appendix, unaltered within the hernia
sac was observed. This condition is known as
Amyand hernia.
Singal R Gupta S.“Amyand’s Hernia” Pathophysiology, Role of Investigations and Treatment. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2011;6(4):321-327.
Michalinos A Moris D Spiridon V. Amyand’s hernia: a review. The American Journal of Surgery. 2014;207:989-995
Luchs J Halpern D Katz D. Amyand’s Hernia: Prospective CT Diagnosis. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2000;24(6):884-886.
Ivashchuk G Cesmebasi A Sorenson E Blaak C Tubbs S Loukas M. Amyand Hernia: a review. Med Sci Monit. 2014;20: 140-146.
Sagar A Sureka J. Appendix in Inguinal Hernia-Amyand’s Hernia. Indian J Surg 2013. Doi 10.1007/s12262-013-0890-8
Gillion J Bornet G Hamrouni A Jullès C Convard J. Amyand and de Garengeot’ hernias (letter to the editor). Hernia. 2007;11:289–290.
Milanchi S Allins A. Amyand’s hernia: history, imaging, and management. Hernia. 2008;12:321–322.
Losanoff J Basson M. Amyand Hernia: What lies beneath- A proposed classification scheme to determine management. The american surgeon. 2007;73(12):1288-1290.