2015, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2015; 41 (3)
Rijcharismo movement in the Peruvian high plateau as a pioneer intercultural health experience in the Americas
Aliaga RG
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 497-509
PDF size: 154.04 Kb.
Introduction: from 1935 to 1949, the communities living in Puno high plateau, Peru, organized a rural native health movement called Rijcharismo, as a response to the terrible social and health situation that they were facing. The movement was recognized on account of the respect to its ancestral culture, the inter-culture
dialogue with its native leaders and traditional healers and its native identity.
Objective: this paper intended to re-interpret the meaning of the Rijchary movement in the field of health, education and community involvement.
Methods: secondary historical sources, photos, testimonies and published interviews were reviewed. The hermeneutic and heuristic methods were used to systematize and to reconstruct the events.
Results: rijcharis brigades and their leader empowered the communities to care for health through participation, primary health care and founding of rural schools; in this way, social duality of health and education was set.
Runa Soncco, a rural health
journal, was edited in which the natives critically drew up articles on rural health and the social problems in the high plateau. Despite acknowledgement on the
international arena, neither the Peruvian state nor the medical sciences of the time
was really interested in this important movement, so, when the local authorities and
the ruling circles considered that their political interests were at risk, they intended to
behead this movement.
Conclusions: Rijcharismo is a pionner experience of inter-culture relation in the
Americas, of endogenous development, community involvement and primary health
care; it allowed the communities dwelling in the Puno high plateau to have real access
to the management of processes affecting their health.
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