2015, Number 4
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Medisur 2015; 13 (4)
Guide for psychological care of patients and families in the organ donation and transplantation process
Rodríguez RT, Fonseca FM
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 560-568
PDF size: 167.35 Kb.
Organ transplants are an expression of the scientific
and technological development reached by sciences
up to the present, especially in the field of medicine.
For a transplant to occur there must be a donation
(donor) and reception (recipient) and the act of
donating reflects all the subjectivity of human beings,
marked by the culture, environment, education,
beliefs, ethical dilemmas and attitudes. This explains
why the psychologist is an essential part of the
multidisciplinary team. This guide define the steps,
psychological techniques for diagnosis and
psychological intervention, ethical aspects and other
elements of interest to ensure the quality of
psychological care in the context of organ donation
and transplantation. To achieve this objective, we
consulted the existing scientific literature on the
subject, including guidelines of the World Health
Organization, and the document was created by
using the best references found in the review. The
guide is a tool to guide the work of the psychologists
who are part of the multidisciplinary teams involved
in the acquisition and transplant of organs and it is
consistent with the guidelines of the World Health
Organization and experiences of Cuba and other
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