2015, Number 07
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MediSan 2015; 19 (07)
Methodological strategy for the development of thought through the reading levels
Jama ZVR, Suárez VHD
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 861-867
PDF size: 346.17 Kb.
A quantitative and qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation , of students and teaching staff at eighth, ninth and tenth years from the Higher Basic General Education in the Particular Educational Unit in Chone city, Ecuador, was carried out from January to June, 2014, with the aim of elaborating a methodological strategy for the development of thought in them, on the base of the use of the 6 reading levels. In the series it was obtained that the minority of the students possessed development of the reading skills, they understood the texts with easiness and their main ideas, and they read a writing as many times as necessary, until understanding it. With the use of this methodological strategy it is intended that the student carries out an intelligent, critical and creative reading, so as to develop his thought, and an improvement is propitiated in his way of performing.
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