2015, Number 4
Characterization of hypertension in elders. Polygon. 'Jimmy Hirtzel' Polyclinic. 2014
Language: Spanish
References: 16
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The hypertension is the most frequent non transmitted chronic disease in elder people, both in isolated systolic and systodiastolic modalities, and it represents an important risk factor for other illnesses. A prospective investigation was made with the objective to describe the behavior of hypertension in elders from Jimmy Hirtzel Polyclinic in Bayamo; 2014. Sample: 126 hypertensive elders. It was identified the morbidity for this affection according to the age, sex, and the risk factors: smoker, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and Diabetes Mellitus; types of hypertension and the medications used by these patients. It was applied the statistical method of the absolute and relative frequencies as a resume unit for quality and quantities variables. The age group of 65-69 (36 %) years old prevailed followed by the group of 70-74 (26%), female sex and the systolic hypertension, especially the 65-69 (36%) year-old patients. It was remarkable the presence of the dyslipidosis and the smoking habit as risk factors. The most used medications were the diuretics and the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. It was achieved the control in more than a half (58%) for the systolic hypertension and the three quarters (75%) for the systodiastolic.REFERENCES
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