2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Plant Med 2015; 20 (1)
Content, yield and quality of essential oil Vanillosmopsis arborea (Gardner) Baker (candeeiro) and its allelopathy
Araújo MC, dos Santos HR, de Sousa FAG, Feitosa JV, Martins CJG
Language: Portugués
References: 25
Page: 131-141
PDF size: 134.43 Kb.
Introduction: the
Vanillosmopsis arborea is a medicinal plant native to the Araripe National Forest, Ceará essential oil is rich in alpha-bisabolol, which has
antibacterial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory activities.
Objectives: to verify the influence of plant height and diameter of branches on the content and Yield of the essential oil, identify its components and their allelopathic effects on lettuce (
L. sativa L.) and cabbage (
B. oleracea var.
capitata L.).
Methods: secondary branches of plants native lamp with an average height of 1.80, 3.70 and 6.0 m undergone hydrodistillation process to analyze the content and yield of its essential oil. Similarly to experiment evaluating the branch diameter of approximately 3.0, 5.0 and 8.0 cm. Analysis was performed on the chemical composition of essential oil and evaluated its allelopathic action.
Results: there was no effect of plant height (1.8, 3.7 and 6 m) on the essential oil content and yield of the branches of plants native lamp. Branches intermediate diameter of 5.0 cm showed a higher amount of essential oil. The chromatographic analysis of the essential oil lamp identified 10 chemical constituents, and the sesquiterpene alpha bisabolol was the constituent found in greater quantity (93.83 %).
Conclusions: was observed influence of the diameter of the branches on the essential oil content and yield. The sesquiterpene alpha bisabolol was the major constituent of the essential oil lamp. The essential oil showed no allelopathic action on the species evaluated, and new testing is necessary with the use of higher concentrations of this oil.
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