2015, Number 06
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MediSan 2015; 19 (06)
Currently used knowledge about the recurrent colon cancer
Rodríguez FZ, Jean-Louis B, Lozada PGA, Joubert ÁG, Pineda CJ
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 797-814
PDF size: 766.86 Kb.
Approximately up to a 30% of patients with colon cancer, surgically treated with
healing aims, will have a recurrent disease, which can cause death or motivate new
treatments with high morbidity degree, without achieving yet a definite and effective
model on the behaviour to be followed, taking into account that there are no uniform
approaches with regard to its prevention, treatment and postoperative follow-up after
the initial surgery, so that the real possibilities of survival and the causes associated
with mortality are ignored. On the bases of such conclusions, the pertinent literature
was reviewed on some elementary questions in this respect.
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