2015, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (2)
Effective psychotherapy alternatives in the treatment of the alcoholic patient
Cristóvão-Calado JM, Rodríguez-Méndez L
Language: Spanish
References: 36
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Background: Actually there is a wide rank of psychological intervention that are used for the treatment of alcoholism , otherwise , the studies that document the effectiveness of the alternatives make emphasis in a group of actions which are more effective in the treatment of alcoholic patient.
Objective: To recapitulate the main evidences about the effectiveness of the different views in the treatment of this alcoholic dependence, starting by an analyzing the existing evidence and differentiate them from the alternatives which have proved a limited effectiveness.
Development: In the last few years there has been an increase in the interest for knowing the effectiveness of the different alternatives of intervention in alcoholism, in great part due to the marked interest that there is in the adequate management of the resources which are available for facing this disease. The
studies about the effectiveness of the interventions although they are necessary for professionals that give psychotherapeutic help, are essential for politicians who handle the resources dedicated to health mainly to taking decisions about the destination of capitals based on the cost- benefit analysis.
Conclusions: Brief interventions, motivational interviews, training in social abilities and of cognitive-behavioral coping, communitarian reinforcement, behavioral contract, aversive therapies and the prevention of relapses are found among the approaches of intervention with documented effectiveness. Insight therapy, confrontational counseling, training in relaxation, counseling and the use of educative resources are found among the therapies with limitations.
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