2015, Number 3
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2015; 26 (3)
Methods, techniques and constants for the evaluation of online public access catalogs
Campos HA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 231-244
PDF size: 112.43 Kb.
Objective: examine the methods and technique used in the evaluation of the
catalogues of public access on line and identify the constants for its evaluation.
Methods: document analysis was used to verify in the bibliography the studies
referred to the methods and technique used in the evaluations of the catalogues of
public access on line. They analyzed besides different initiatives related to the
evaluation of catalogues on line, so that it could identify to which evaluative
method appearance devoted each one of the studies analysed.
Results: a group of initiatives are developed for the quality of the evaluation of the
catalogues on line from different dimensions; among them is the referred to the
provision of the catalogues on line; the one who takes in consideration the analysis
of the errors; the referred to the studies of the interface and the one that considers
the usability of the systems, in which they generally relate the relative appearances
of the architecture of the information and the already implicit in this approach from
the perspective of the users.
Conclusions: in the studies about the evaluation of catalogues on line there is a
terminological diversity to identify the different practice, but it could be
systematised in three big divisions: qualitative, quantitative and those that use the
comparisons. The methods used in the evaluation of the catalogues on line contain,
in general, a wide component of statistical application, but we can say that in their
whole methods they are not properly produced by the Bibliotecology or by the
Science of the Information, but they are marked by the influence of other fields of
knowledge, as the Mathematical Sciences and the Computation, the cognitive
Psychology, the usability, among other disciplines. The majority of the authors do
not establish differences between the methods and the collection of information
technique. The different proposals analysed, from diverse perspectives, with
different terminologies and even through different indicators and compilation of
information, are essentially focused in the study of the usability of the system or all
that is referred to his ergonomic capacities, the management of the contents or the
creation, maintenance, reuse or adjust of the metainformative system, and the
transparency of the system of recovery of the information.
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