2000, Number 3
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Rev Inst Nal Enf Resp Mex 2000; 13 (3)
Development and uses of clinical epidemiology.
Carrada-Bravo T
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 170-179
PDF size: 208.82 Kb.
There is a pressing need for clinical epidemiological studies in developing countries. Resources available for health services are very limited and can be effectively deployed only if the frequency and distribution of disease in the population are known. Epidemiology also plays a role in research into disease etiology and natural history. Clinical and preventive care should be based on the strongest possible research evidence and judged by the obtained outcomes at a cost society can afford. Although clinical research has particular requirements, the administrative steps may be categorized under four phases: planning, organization, execution, and evaluation and feedback.
To make accurate predictions and to decide the best use of the limited resources for most people, in the future, clinicians should rely on epidemiologic research, including ways of reducing the bias and estimating the role of chance.
Since health services are constrained by limited resources it is necessary to optimize the use of staff and materials to increase efficiency and user satisfaction.
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