2015, Number 4
Abortion and birth rate, medical reasons or suitability to health in society
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 775-789
PDF size: 197.07 Kb.
Introduction: a review on abortion, highlighting how the criminal offense has evolved into legitimacy, and considering the positions of the Catholic Church, which raises the fetus to the category of person before being viable.Objective: to assess the legal situation in Cuba, valid in the Resolution 24 of 2013 of the Minister of Health, recognizing this right to the pregnant woman.
Material and method: in the study descriptive, historic and logica, statistic and demographic method are used. The comparative abortion rates were analyzed, pertaining to the period covered by the study from the 1970s to 2013, in the province of Pinar del Río, related to birth rate.
Conclusions: abortion in Cuba is recognized as a female right. It is assisted by scientific and ethical care. It is practiced in health institutions and related to the decrease of birth; a new educational approach is necessary containing the values that reproduction means to safeguard the health of women, and of society over the pleasant personal interests and motives detached of the social utility of everything we do with our lives.
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