2015, Number 4
Weight loss with alternative treatment of natural and traditional medicine for dermolipectomy
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 755-764
PDF size: 224.35 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity is a chronic multifactorial disease involving genetic, psychological and socioeconomic factors. It represents a risk factor for other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and even certain types of tumors. Its treatment represents a large expense for the health system. The continued increase in prevalence has alerted public health officials, epidemiologists and economists. Certainly, patients with much weight loss are the most benefited from this type of intervention. They have great laxity in both the fatty skin plane due to the loss of excess fat, and the musculoaponeurotic plane due to loss of intramuscular fat and intra-abdominal visceral fat. This allows aggressive resections and safe at the same time, because they offer a closing without tension.Clinical case: female patient of 45 years of age with morbid obesity (BMI: 54.6 kg/m2) associated with arterial hypertension and considerable psychological and hygienic damages, who need to lose weight to undergo a dermolipectomy.
Conclusions: after carrying out several failed conventional medical treatments for the patient to thin, she is undergone diet exclusively, catgut implantation and homeopathy. Using this economical and safe therapy after six months of clinical evolution under treatment the patient dropped 40 kg of weight, which facilitated the success of the abdominoplasty, with good aesthetic results without appearance of dreaded complications as lipolysis, seroma and necrosis.
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