2015, Number 4
Prevalence of microalbumin in obese and hypertensive children and its relation with cardiovascular risk factors
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 604-618
PDF size: 343.51 Kb.
Introduction: microalbumin was described by Keen and Chloverakis, who developed in 1963 a radial-immune-essay for detecting urinary elimination of albumin.Objetive: to identify the prevalence of microalbumin in obese and hypertensive children and its relation with cardiovascular risk factors.
Material and method: on observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was performed with the students from Salvador González Delgado Primary School of Pinar del Río, distributed in academic groups, between January and December 2012. For the study, the qualitative variables were summarized by means of absolute and relative frequencies. The confidence interval was calculated for 95%. To detect confusion and interaction Mantel and Haenszel statistical analysis was used, while to compare variables measures with normal distribution, the Student’s T difference test of measures was used.
Results: 31.9% of the girls and 32.6% of the males were obese. Microlabumin was present in 11.5% of the girls and 7.4% of the males, all of who were obese. Among the girls, 2.7% were hipertensive, while 3.7% were male. With alteration of the waist circunference of 9.8% of the girls and 11.7% of the males.
Conclusions: it was found a highly significant relation between obesity and microalbumin. The altered waist circumference was highly related with the increase in microalbumin values. There was a significant association between hypertension and microalbumin in both sexes; however, this latter variable was considered as confusing variable.
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