2015, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2015; 14 (3)
Restoration aesthetic transchirurgical of complicated fracture of crown and root in unique visit restoration
Mier SM, Álvarez RJ, Montenegro OY
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 281-289
PDF size: 136.54 Kb.
Introduction: the dental tissues conservation is the stomatology professional’s
fundamental base. A serious thread to this objective is the treatment of the
traumatic lesions of teeth and its sustainer tissues. The dangerous effects of these
traumas often ends in the loss of the dental tissues, causing problems of esthetic
and function in the patients like the case which is presented, treated integrally and
satisfactory in our service, during one single consult.
Objective: to describe the procedure of transsurgical esthetic restoring from the
21 previous endodontic treatments in a single consult.
Case Presentation: this work was carried out as a part of the treatment imposed
to a 25 years old patient with backgrounds of dental trauma with complex fracture
of crown and root in 21, around 72 hours before the arrival to our service referring
to had started a radical root canal treatment incomplete and accidentally with
fracture and retention in the apical third of one irrigation needle.
Conclusions: the reconstructive treatment in young adult patients with complex
fracture of crown and root is attainable to carry out in a transsurgical way in one
single consult/view.
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