2015, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2015; 14 (3)
Presence of diminished inverted in a group of childrens and adolescent. San Antonio de los Baños. 2014
González VD, Alemán SPC, Delgado DY, Díaz OL, León LE
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 270-280
PDF size: 110.92 Kb.
Introduction: the inverted bite corresponds to a malocclusion of interest in the
orthodontic current consultations actually.
Objective: to describe the presence of inverted bite in a group of children and
adolescent and the associated risk factors.
Material and Methods: a Cross section descriptive study was carried out in 891
patient examined and admitted in the Outpatient consult number 3 of the
Department of Orthodontics at The Teaching Stomatological Clinic ¨Raúl González
Sánchez¨ San Antonio de los Baños Municipality corresponding to the period
between the year 2006 to the 2014, a sample of 363 patient aging between 6 and
19 years was selected. Clinical records were done by specialists, resident, helping
pupils, in which was found the information with respect to the presence of inverted
bite, risk factors, age, sex and the Moyers syndromes’ classification.
Results: the inverted bite corresponding to the group of 10 to 15 years old was
presented in 53.93 %, in women a 67.41% and in the Class I syndrome appeared
in a 60.97 % (anterior) and a 55.55 % (posterior). The presence of discrepancy
bone -negative tooth, among the risk factors represented the 92.13% of the total
showing this alteration. The dental interferences represented the 8.98 %.
Conclusions: a highest prevalence of the inverted bite appeared in female
corresponding to the group of 10 to 14 years and in the Class I of the Moyers
syndrome´s classification. The most relating risk factor associated with the inverted
bite was the absence of space and those of smaller influence the dental
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