2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (3)
Use of Surfacen in newborns with respiratory distress
López ACA, Alfonso DA, Durán MR, Villegas CD
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 295-307
PDF size: 154.33 Kb.
Introduction: during the last decade, several research studies have devoted to
determine the advantages of the prophylactic use of exogenous surfactant over the
rescue therapeutic effect of the drug. Cuba has developed a heterologous natural
surfactant of swine origin called Surfacen.
Objectives: to evaluate the use of Surfacen in newborns with respiratory distress
syndrome and to identify the association of the time of drug administration with the
duration of mechanical ventilation and the patient's condition on discharge from
Methods: a cross-sectional study of newborns who were admitted to the
neonatology service of “Dr. Enrique Cabrera” general university hospital conducted
from January 2009 to December 2011. The universe of study was 86 newborns, 87
% of whom were under 33 weeks of age and had received Surfacen. It was also
given to 92.2 % of neonates weighing 750 g to 1 500 g and to 86.8 % with
respiratory acidosis. In the study group, 70.9 % of patients had respiratory distress
syndrome as initial diagnosis whereas on discharge, the newborns with some
neonatal infection accounted for the highest percentage.
Conclusions: there was a significant statistical association between the time of
Surfacen administration and the duration of the mechanical ventilation, as well as
the Surfacen administration two hours after birth and the death of the patient.
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