2015, Number 3
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Salud Mental 2015; 38 (3)
¡Ya no sé ni qué hacer!: barreras para la búsqueda de atención de las necesidades derivadas del consumo de alcohol
Carrasco GM, Natera RG, Arenas ML, Pacheco MLE
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 185-194
PDF size: 347.88 Kb.
This paper analyzes the main barriers to seeking health care and the
regulation of alcohol abusers and their relatives in a rural community.
Was to analyze the metaphors and dilemmas of alcohol consumers
and their families regarding their health needs, seeking care, the
implementation of regulation and the obstacles they face in a rural
community in Mexico.
This is a qualitative case study, involving ethnography, focus groups
and semi-structured interviews.
How that people view alcohol abuse as a problem until an addiction
occurs and are torn between regarding it as a “vice” or a disease.
Seeking care is hampered by tolerance towards consumption, ignorance
of how to proceed, fear of “gossip” in a context of weak regulation
and treatment options, where consumption is socio-culturally
Discussion and conclusion
That the meanings and dilemmas faced by actors in the search for
health care and the regulation of alcohol sales constitute barriers to
which the health system must respond in an integral fashion.
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