2015, Number S1
Guillain Barre syndrome of like form of premiere of a systemic lupus erythematous
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 220-223
PDF size: 218.45 Kb.
The lupus systemic erythematosus is an illness autoimmune, systemic, and characterized by the auto antibodies production and a wide diversity of clinical manifestations. Inside the manifestations neuropsiquiátricas the Guillain Barre Syndrome of the one can be presented which is a sharp, frequently serious polirradiculoneuropatía and of evolution fulminate, of origin autoinmunitario. It is manifested as a square of paralysis motorboat arrefléxica of quick evolution, with or without sensitive alterations; these characteristics make of her a medical emergency. The association among Guillain Barre and illnesses rheumatic autoimmune have been reported; however, in some cases it continues being a strange combination.REFERENCES
Gil-Armenteros R, Solis-Cartas U, Milera-Rodríguez J, De-Armas-Hernandez A. Mielitis transversa como debut de un lupus eritematoso sistémico. Revista Cubana de Reumatología [Internet]. 2013 [citado 5 febrero 2015]; 15(3). Disponible en: http://www.revreumatologia.sld.cu/index.php/reumatologia/article/view/284
Aguilera-Pickens G, Abud-Mendoza C. Manifestaciones neuropsiquiátricas en lupus eritematoso generalizado: bases fisiopatogénicas y terapéuticas. Reumatol Clin. [Internet] .2013. [citado 17 julio 2014]. Disponible en: http://www.reumatologiaclinica.org/es/manifestaciones-neuropsiquiatricas-lupus-eritematoso-generalizado/articulo/90250955/