2015, Number S1
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Rev Cub de Reu 2015; 17 (S1)
Secondary osteoarthritis. Concerning a case
de Armas HA, León CR, Carrillo RC, Amador GD, Muñoz BM, Benitez FY
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 201-204
PDF size: 227.18 Kb.
The osteoarthritis is the most common rheumatic illness, affecting more frequent to the feminine sex and that its incidence increases as the age increases, from the classification point of view you can divide in primary or secondary to other illnesses of different ethologic. From the clinical point of view it is characterized by pain, rigidity, limitation of the mobility, deformity, affectation of the quality of life and different from functional discapacity. In this work the case of a 57 year-old feminine patient is presented, with diagnostic of deposit of glasses arthropatic that he/she goes to consultation of urgency to present pain in cervical region that limits the movements of this region.
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