2015, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Pediatr 2015; 87 (2)
Surgical behavior and preoperative complications of the giant cholesteatoma
Quintero NJL, Hernández CMC, Álvarez LI, Garmendía GFA, Carrillo VB, Báez AL
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 192-204
PDF size: 176.11 Kb.
Introduction: although the incidence of complications in the chronic temporal
bone infections has decreased, they remain a potential threat in terms of morbidity
and mortality.
Objective: to characterize the pediatric patients who are operated on for
complicated acquired giant cholesteotomas.
Methods: prospective and descriptive study of 11 pediatric patients with giant
cholesteatomas and preoperative complications; they had been attended to and
operated on at the otorrhinolaryngology service of "William Soler" pediatric hospital
in the period of January 2011 through January 2013. The postoperative follow-up
lasted 6 year. These patients were performed otoscopy, otomicroscopy, mastoid X
rays, CT for hearing, as well as audiometric studies preoperatively and
postoperatively. The surgical technique was the open one combined with
timpanoplasty and ossiculoplasty in one-stage. Postsurgical functional hearing
problems and relapses were all analyzed.
Results: the most frequent locations of marginal perforations were anteroposterior
flaccid pars (n= 5; 45.46 %) followed by posterosuperior mesotympanic (n= 4;
36.46 %). Preoperative extracranial complications prevailed (81.82 %). There was
preoperative anacusia (n= 2, laberintitis). There were no perioperative
complications. The most relevant surgical finding was facial tympanic dehiscence
(n= 7; 63.64 %) that matched the results of the preoperative tomography.
Tympanoplasty and ossiculoplasty were performed in seven patients, type III (n= 7;
71.42 %), with average preoperative hearing loss of 53dB and postoperative one of
38 dB. Four patients were reoperated.
Conclusions: the used technique shows satisfactory surgical and postsurgical
functional results.
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