2015, Number S1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2015; 5 (S1)
Characterization of memory in aging: a neuropsychology perspective
Guerra LA, Ramírez ZA, Álvarez LA, Morales BM, Rodríguez GG, Frías HLM
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: S19-S23
PDF size: 329.00 Kb.
Objective: To make a neuropsychological characterization of visual and verbal memory in older adults.
Methods: A descriptive, comparative, cross–sectional study, based on a quantitative paradigm was performed. 50 older adults more than 69 of an area of health of the municipality of Camagüey were selected, through intentional sampling. Exclusion criteria of presence of cognitive impairment, depression and others were considered. The sample consisted of two groups of 25 seniors each: Group 1 (70–75 years old), Group 2 (76 and older). The memory was assessed with: Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised HVLT–R, Rey Complex Figure and Memory subtest of the Mini–Mental. Descriptive analysis, Student's t test and Pearson correlation were performed. SPSS–15 program was used.
Results: The sample was composed of two groups of 25 older adults each: Group 1 (70–75 years of age), group 2 (76 and more years of age). The process of memory in seniors over 69 years was characterized by present greater difficulties in the long–term visual memory, without evidence of a marked decline in verbal memory. Improvements in long–term verbal memory are evident when tracks favoring recognition are offered. The verbal short–term memory difficulties occur when learning mechanisms are activated. The process of visual memory in adults aged more than 69 years, has a significant relationship with age, not with sex.
Conclusions: Memory in older adults is characterized by present greater difficulties in the long–term visual memory, verbal memory does not have a marked deterioration.
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