2015, Number 2
Incretins as a new therapeutic option in the diabetes mellitus type 2
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 151-166
PDF size: 315.07 Kb.
Today there are many pharmacological groups for the temporal control of blood glucose figures of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2. Among them are those with incretin effect, which are peptides of intestinal origin, characterized by stimulating the production and secretion insulin in the pancreatic islet beta cell after binding to specific receptors. The glucagon-like 1 (GLP-1) peptide has been best studied incretin and deficiency in these patients has been tested in several studies. The efficiency in terms of glycosylated hemoglobin has shown to be inferior to that of insulin, but without the potential danger of hypoglycemia as well as neutral effect or decrease in body weight. This literature review was conducted to update the knowledge on the role of incretin action substances in the metabolic control of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It has become complex, requiring necessarily information and training to hand modern drugs that make up the two drug groups that favor the effect of these hormones, and thus achieve better preparation of staff faces every day this troubling disease. However, over time, conclusive clinical data demonstrating its effectiveness will be provided.REFERENCES
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