2014, Number S1
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Evid Med Invest Salud 2014; 7 (S1)
Brief historical perspective of congenital heart disease in the world and in Mexico
Alva EC
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 39-43
PDF size: 237.46 Kb.
Despite that the suspicion of congenital heart disease has been known for several centuries, the birth of pediatric cardiology as a medical-surgical discipline is just 70 years old. Since then, knowledge, advances in diagnostics, technology and hospital infrastructure has been growing more and more rapidly producing better results. At present, 85% of patients born with congenital heart disease reach adulthood and for the first time adults with congenital heart disease outnumber children. This revision gives a historical perspective and presents the current situation of congenital heart disease in our country and in the rest of the world.
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