2014, Number 3
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Rev Mex Enf Cardiol 2014; 22 (3)
Low cardiac output syndrome in critically ill child, nursing considerations
Ramos GJX
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 115-121
PDF size: 176.59 Kb.
To the nurse who works in the health care area and especially in intensive care units, it is essential to have complete updated pathologies and more frequent in patients in their care clinical literature states. This article is a collection of useful and specific information aimed at providing the necessary tools for the identification, analysis and intervention in the physiological processes that are developed and continuously vary in low cardiac output syndrome. The low cardiac output syndrome is a common condition in the pediatric intensive care unit. Especially infants (children under 2 years) for their physiological immaturity and individual coping mechanisms and hemodynamic compensation, are more likely to develop low cardiac output due to multiple causes. The invasive and continuous monitoring of cardiac output in infants is difficult and often counterproductive, so it is essential to know the nursing clinical signs of increased sensitivity and specificity in the detection and monitoring of pediatric low cardiac output; these signs are, in order of appearance: tachycardia, decreased capillary refill, urine output fall and finally systolic blood pressure among others.
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