2014, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Farm 2014; 48 (4)
Use of cooper sulphate for production of antiseptic liquid soap
Sandoval RP, Gajardo SS, Benites VJ, López VJ
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 542-549
PDF size: 122.85 Kb.
Introduction: the hands play a significant role in the transmission of infections at
health institutions, industrial environments such as the food industry and at the
community; therefore, hand hygiene cannot be ignored. Liquid soaps are now a
fundamental tool for hand cleaning and prevention of pathogen transmission.
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of copper sulfate as an antiseptic agent in
a liquid soap and to characterize the product by using quality controls.
Methods: aliquid soap was developed, in which its antiseptic capacity was
evaluated through the agar dilution method and the reduction of bacterial growth
by using a variant of microdrop counting at 1, 5 and 10 minutes. Then physicochemical and microbiological controls were performed, as well as patch
test and shelf life and accelerated stability studies for six months.
Results: Staphylococcus aureus, Staphyloccus epidermidis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomona aeruginosa and
Klebsiella pneumoniae were susceptible to 0.5% copper sulfate concentration. Bacterial growth showed considerable reduction in
S. aureus and
S. epidermidis strains at 5 and 10 minutes at copper sulphate concentrations of 0.3 and 0.5%. The finished product met the quality criteria for this type of product, maintaining its stability during the study period.
Conclusions: It is possible to produce a copper sulfate-based liquid soap as an antiseptic since it was effective to control the studied strains.
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